About Us

Xeon Crafts are your one-stop place for 3D-crafted designs. We pride ourselves on using 100% recyclable and plant-based filaments to ensure our planet's sustainability.

Jordan the Owner of Xeon Crafts has been interested in 3D printing since he was about 12 but at the time 3D printers were silly expensive. Hence, he took it upon himself to start tinkering with CAD programs and designing several products and saving up so that one day he could purchase a 3d printer and share his creations with the world.

Several years later Xeon Crafts is here and we can wait to share some of these amazing creations with you :)

We currently operate within the UK and ship worldwide as we want to ensure that everyone around the world can obtain any of the great products we create and print.

  • Jordan - Owner

    Hey there Everyone, Im Jordan the owner here at Xeon Crafts. I also deisgn and curate a lot of our items that we sell here at xeon crafts. We hope you love them as much as we enjoy making them for you.

  • Claire - Admin / Dispatch Team

    Hey There everyone, Im Claire i have been with Xeon crafts for about a year now and I look after the packing and dispatch of your items along with the day to day running of Xeon Crafts.

  • Kimberley - Social media / Dispatch Team

    Hi Everyone, Im Kimberley. I look after the social media and website for Xeon Crafts. I also assist in the packaging of your items alongside claire.